Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Nearly 44 years, Tridentine Latin Mass vanished from the Bishopric of Bandung. Second Vatican Council made spiritual euphoria, and one of it's consequences is vanishment of true and right liturgy, The Tridentine Latin Mass.

But on Sunday, May 23rd, in the feast of Pentecost, nearly 130 Catholics mainly from Bandung, and some from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Tangerang, gathered in a small cloister chapel at Jalan Merdeka, own by Ursuline sisters and a cantata High Mass celebrated by Reverend Francis Xavier Sukarno, OSC.

Gregorian chants sung by a beautiful Schola Cantorum. Procession begin with six server and celebrant, while "Veni creator Spiritus" sung. The mass flow beautifully and I'm very sure all heart unite with Christ our Lord at the moment of consecration and communion.

You will see the beautiful photos of the historical event, and Tridentine Latin Mass will exist for another thousands years since this year in Bandung. Gloria Patri et Filii et Spiritus Sancti!!!

Rabu, 17 September 2008

Misa Malam Paska Dengan Ferula Baru

Paus Benedictus XVI telah menggunakan tongkat kepausan baru. Tongkat lama peninggalan Paus Paulus VI yang juga digunakan Paus Yoannes Paulus II tidak digunakan lagi. Dalam foto paus nampak memberikan berkatnya seusai Misa agung Malam Paska 2008 yang lalu di Basilika St. Petrus.

Benedictus XVI dan Liturgi

Paus Benedictus XVI nampaknya sampai pada titik evaluasi tertentu ketika beliau memberlakukan MOTU PROPRIO yang memberikan kembali kebebasan bagi para imam untuk mempersembahkan misa-misa dengan liturgi Tridentine.

Evaluasinya tentu muncul dari kenyataan bahwa liturgi post Konsili Vatikan II kerap kali "kebablasan" menuju ke arah pelecehan dan perendahan sakramental, dan seringkali juga menjadi lahan eksperimen para petualang liturgi yang merusak.

Dalam foto kita melihat komitmen Bapa Suci terhadap misa Tridentine, ditunjukkan dengan pakaian liturgi yang dikenakannya dalam misa. Nampak keagungan martabatnya.

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Tanggapan pihak berwenang di Tahta Suci

Terhadap sikap oposisi sebagian kardinal, uskup-uskup, dan imam-imam, serta umat terhadap berlakunya kembali misa Tridentine, kita simak wawancara dengan Uskup Agung Ranjith, seorang prelat penting di Tahta Suci.

Episcopal "rebellion" going on; "Bishops and Cardinals" must obey the Pope
From an interview granted by the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige, to Bruno Volpe, of the papal news website Petrus:Your Excellency, how has Benedict XVI´s motu proprio which liberalized the Holy Mass according to the Tridentine Rite been received? Some, in the bosom of the Church itself, have turned their noses..."There have been positive reactions and, it is useless to deny it, criticisms and opposition , even from theologians, liturgists, priests, Bishops, and even Cardinals. I frankly do not understand these rifts, and, why not [say it], rebellion towards the Pope. I invite all, particularly the Shepherds, to obey the Pope, who is the Successor of Peter. The Bishops, in particular, have sworn fidelity to the Pontiff: may they be coherent and faithful to their commitment."In your opinion, what causes these displays against the Motu Proprio?"You know that there have been, by some dioceses, even interpretative documents which inexplainably intend to limit the Pope's Motu Proprio. These actions mask behind them, on one hand, prejudices of an ideological kind and, on the other, pride, one of the gravest sins. I repeat: I invite all to obey the Pope. If the Holy father decided to promulgate the Motu Proprio, he had his reasons, which I fully share."Benedict XVI´s decision to liberalize the Tridentine Rite seems as a just remedy to the so many liturgical abuses sadly registered after the Second Vatican Council with the 'Novus Ordo'..."See, I do not wish to criticize the 'Novus Ordo'. But I laugh when I hear it said, even by friends, that in a [certain] parish, a priest is 'a Saint' due to his homily or to how he speaks. The Holy Mass is sacrifice, gift, mystery, independently of the celebrating priest. It is important, fundamental even, that the priest be put aside: the protagonist of the Mass is Christ. I do not understand, thus, the Eucharistic celebrations transformed in shows with dances, songs, and applause, as it frequently happens with the Novus Ordo."Monsignor Patabendige, your Congregation has repeatedly denounced these liturgical abuses..."True. There are so many documents, which have nonetheless painfully remained dead letter, [which] have ended up on dusty shelves or, even worse, in wastebaskets."Another point: one often hears very long homilies..."This also is an abuse. I am opposed to dances and applause in the middle of the Masses, which are not a circus or a stadium. As for the homilies, they must relate, as the Pope has underlined, exclusively to the catechetical aspect, avoiding sociologisms and useless chatter. For example, priests often veer towards politics because they have not prepared well the homily, which must, instead, be scrupulously studied. An excessively long homily is synonymous with a scarce preparation: the correct time for a sermon must be of 10 minutes, 15 at most. It must be acknowledged that the culminating moment of the celebration is the Eucharistic mystery, which does not mean downplaying the Liturgy of the Word, but clarifying how a correct liturgy must be applied."Returning to the Motu Proprio: some criticize the use of Latin during Mass..."The Tridentine Rite is part of the tradition of the Church. The Pope has dutifully explained the motives for his measure, an act of liberty and justice towards Traditionalists. As for Latin, I wish to underline that it has never been abolished and, what is more, it guarantees the universality of the Church. But I repeat: I invite priests, Bishops, and Cardinals to obedience, setting aside every kind of pride and prejudice."Courtesy of Rorate Caeli

Senin, 12 Mei 2008


Dalam foto-foto berikut kita menyaksikan beberapa paus mengenakan TRIREGNUM atau TIARA, mahkota bersusun tiga yang melambangkan kedudukannya sebagai Imam Agung, Guru, dan Gembala tertinggi. Sejak Paus Yoannes Paulus I (alm), triregnum tidak digunakan lagi. Kita berharap paus yang akan datang mengenakan lagi triregnum, karena dengan mengenakannya, seluruh umatpun mendapatkan edukasi dan memberikan penghormatan tinggi pada kedudukan dan martabat kepausan. Berturut-turut dari atas Paus Leo XIII, Paus St. Pius X, Paus Pius XI, Paus Beato Pius XII, Paus Beato Yoannes XXIII, dan yang terakhir dimahkotai dengan triregnum, Paus Paulus VI.

Jumat, 25 April 2008

Komuni suci?

Komuni yang dulu begitu disucikan, karena menyambut "Tubuh dan Darah" Kristus itu begitu bermakna, kini menjadi adegan "biasa" yang cenderung tanpa rasa hormat yang khusyuk.

Saksikan Pelecehan Sakramental

Di beberapa foto ini kita saksikan betapa "sudah parah" kerusakan liturgi pasca konsili Vatikan II yang disebut "novus ordo". Ada imam yang gunakan gelas anggur untuk makan ketika mengkonsekrasikan Darah Kristus! Dan lihat juga, para pelawak dan artis panggung naik ke panti imam, dengan imam menjelang pembacaan Injil mengenakan stola yang membuatnya cocok jadi badut juga!