Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Nearly 44 years, Tridentine Latin Mass vanished from the Bishopric of Bandung. Second Vatican Council made spiritual euphoria, and one of it's consequences is vanishment of true and right liturgy, The Tridentine Latin Mass.

But on Sunday, May 23rd, in the feast of Pentecost, nearly 130 Catholics mainly from Bandung, and some from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Tangerang, gathered in a small cloister chapel at Jalan Merdeka, own by Ursuline sisters and a cantata High Mass celebrated by Reverend Francis Xavier Sukarno, OSC.

Gregorian chants sung by a beautiful Schola Cantorum. Procession begin with six server and celebrant, while "Veni creator Spiritus" sung. The mass flow beautifully and I'm very sure all heart unite with Christ our Lord at the moment of consecration and communion.

You will see the beautiful photos of the historical event, and Tridentine Latin Mass will exist for another thousands years since this year in Bandung. Gloria Patri et Filii et Spiritus Sancti!!!